Monday, July 26, 2010

Hi, Boys and Girls! I am Brooklyn and I am the same age of all of you who have a Zhu Zhu pet! I am a big fan. I have one already and I am going to get all the big ones, all the little ones and all the toys and accessories. I am really excited to be starting this website and teaching you about Zhu Zhu Pets! People might give you other information, like they run around, they are furry, but not us, ''no'' we have some behind the seen stuff because we are huge fans! And who knows for sure? You might already know this information, but we have pictures of all the Zhu Zhu Pets. We're not kidding, we have the spiky haired ones, (maybe for boys,) the brand new ones that you've always wanted, the normal ones, even the baby ones, we also have some pictures of the toys you can get that they run around in, just some so don't get your hopes up, because we don't have all the things that they go running in.

Hey! What Zhu Zhu Pet do you have? Tex? I heard he was brand new and none of the websites for Zhu Zhu Pets have him. I feel kind of left out, hey boys and girls, this reminds me of a story Uh Oh! No this is a good story. Okay, so I was doing this quiz and it asked what color eyes you had, whats up with that? They only have green, brown and blue. I for one have grey eyes and I thought it was totally not fair that they didn't put none of the above. Okay, back with our story. No! I am in the spotlight right now. Move out of the way! No. I was telling a story. Okay thats it with you guys get out. No No wait! I want my lawyer, this is so not fair.

Did you like that story boys and girls? Me too! we are going to have lots of stories like that and lots to choose from, but remember whats our song? or rhyme? Zhu Zhu Pets are all so fun! Why don't you look up to the sun? There you go guys, I hope you liked our rhyme for today, I will have lots more the next few days. Bye guys.

Here is a picture of my Zhu Zhu pet, but don't cry because it isn't yours, no! It is the Zhu Zhu Pet of the day! I arranged this so you can see when your Zhu Zhu Pet is the Zhu Zhu Pet of the day! But we have pictures of your Zhu Zhu Pets already in the Photo Album, and remember this is very important, remember to play with your Zhu Zhu Pet and pet it. Thanks guys!